Главный редактор
И.И. Ведяков, доктор технических наук (05.23.01 "Строительные конструкции, здания и сооружения"), профессор, академик Российской Инженерной Академии, академик Национальной Академии наук пожарной безопасности, советник Российской академии архитектуры и строительных наук (РААСН), лауреат премий Правительства РФ в области науки и техники, почетный строитель России, директор ЦНИИСК им.В.А.Кучеренко АО "НИЦ"Строительство"
Редакционная коллегия:
В.И. Андреев, академик РААСН, доктор технических наук (05.23.17 "Строительная механика") проф.МГСУ
А.С. Буслов, доктор технических наук (05.23.02 "Основания и фундаменты"), АО"НИЦ"Строительство"
А.С. Городецкий, академик РААСН, доктор технических наук (05.23.17 "Строительная механика"), проф., ООО "ЛИРА САПР", г.Киев
А.Л. Готман, доктор технических наук (05.23.02 "Основания и фундаменты"), АО"НИЦ"Строительство"
Е.М. Зверяев, доктор технических наук (05.23.17 "Строительная механика"), проф.,
П.Г. Еремеев, доктор технических наук (05.23.01 "Строительные конструкции, здания и сооружения"), проф., АО"НИЦ"Строительство"
В.А. Игнатьев, доктор технических наук (05.23.17 "Строительная механика"), проф.
В.А. Ильичев, академик РААСН, доктор технических наук (05.23.02 "Основания и фундаменты"), проф. РААСН
Н.И. Карпенко, академик РААСН, доктор технических наук (05.23.17 "Строительная механика"), проф., НИИСФ, РААСН
В.И. Колчунов, академик РААСН, доктор технических наук (05.23.01"Строительные конструкции, здания и сооружения"), проф.Юго-Западный университет, г.Курск
С.Б. Косицын, доктор технических наук (05.23.17 "Строительная механика"), проф., МГУПС(МИИТ)
Е.Н. Курбацкий, доктор технических наук, проф., МГУПС(МИИТ)
Л.С. Ляхович, академик РААСН, доктор технических наук (05.23.17 "Строительная механика"), проф., ГАСУ, г.Томск
В.Л. Мондрус, доктор технических наук (05.23.17 "Строительная механика"), проф., МГСУ
Ю.И. Немчинов, доктор технических наук (05.23.17 "Строительная механика"), проф.
В.И. Обозов, доктор технических наук (05.23.01 "Строительные конструкции, здания и сооружения"), проф., АО"НИЦ"Строительство"
К.П. Пятикрестовский, доктор технических наук (05.23.01 "Строительные конструкции, здания и сооружения"), АО"НИЦ"Строительство"
В.Д. Райзер, доктор технических наук (05.23.17 "Строительная механика"), проф., АО"НИЦ"Строительство", США.
В.И. Травуш, академик РААСН, доктор технических наук (05.23.17 "Строительная механика") проф., ЗАО "Городской проектный институт", г.Москва
В.С. Фёдоров, академик РААСН, доктор технических наук (05.23.01 "Строительные конструкции, здания и сооружения"), проф., МГУПС
Томас Бок, иностранный чл.РААСН, доктор технических наук (05.23.01 "Строительные конструкции, здания и сооружения"), проф., г.Мюнхен, Германия
Chief Editor
I.I. Vedyakov, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.01 "Building constructions, structures and facilities"), Professor, the Academician of the Russian Engineering Academy, the Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Fire Safety, the advisor of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN), the Laureate of the Russian Federation Government prizes in science and technology, the Honored Builder of Russia, the Director of the Central Research Institute of Building Constructions named after V.A.Kucherenko of OJSC "NITS "STROITELSTVO"
I.I. Vedyakov, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.01 "Building constructions, structures and facilities"), Professor, the Academician of the Russian Engineering Academy, the Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Fire Safety, the advisor of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN), the Laureate of the Russian Federation Government prizes in science and technology, the Honored Builder of Russia, the Director of the Central Research Institute of Building Constructions named after V.A.Kucherenko of OJSC "NITS "STROITELSTVO"
Editorial Board:
V.I. Andreev, the academician of RAASN, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.17 "Structural mechanics"), Prof. of Moscow State Construction University (MGSU)
A.S. Buslov, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.02 "Bases and foundations"), Prof, OJSC "NITS "STROITELSTVO"
A.S. Gorodetsky, the academician of RAASN, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.17 "Structural mechanics"), Prof., LLC "LIRA SAPR", Kiev
A.L. Gotman, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.02 "Bases and foundations"), Prof, OJSC "NITS "STROITELSTVO"
A.L. Gotman, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.02 "Bases and foundations"), Prof, OJSC "NITS "STROITELSTVO"
E.M. Zveryaev, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.17 "Structural mechanics"), Prof.
P.G. Eremeev, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.01 "Building constructions, structures and facilities"), Prof., OJSC "NITS "STROITELSTVO"
V.A. Ignatiev, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.17 "Structural mechanics"), Prof.
V.A. Ilyichev, the academician of RAASN, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.02 "Bases and foundations"), Prof., RAASN
N.I. Karpenko, the academician of RAASN, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.17 "Structural mechanics"), Prof., the Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics, RAASN
V.I. Kolchunov, the academician of RAASN, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.01 "Building constructions, structures and facilities"), Prof. of the South-West University, Kursk
S.B. Kositsyn, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.17 "Structural mechanics"), Prof., Moscow State University of Transport (MGUPS/MIIT)
E.N. Kurbatsky, the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof., MGUPS
L.S. Lyakhovich, the academician of RAASN, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.17 "Structural mechanics"), Prof., the State Architecture and Building University, Tomsk
V.L. Mondrus, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.17 "Structural mechanics"), Prof., MGSU
Yu.I. Nemchinov, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.17 "Structural mechanics"), Prof.
V.I. Obozov, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.01 "Building constructions, structures and facilities"), Prof., OJSC "NITS "STROITELSTVO"
K.P. Pyatikrestovsky, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.01 "Building constructions, structures and facilities"), Prof., OJSC "NITS "STROITELSTVO"
V.D. Rayzer, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.17 "Structural mechanics"), Prof., OJSC "NITS "STROITELSTVO", USA.
V.A. Ignatiev, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.17 "Structural mechanics"), Prof.
V.A. Ilyichev, the academician of RAASN, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.02 "Bases and foundations"), Prof., RAASN
N.I. Karpenko, the academician of RAASN, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.17 "Structural mechanics"), Prof., the Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics, RAASN
V.I. Kolchunov, the academician of RAASN, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.01 "Building constructions, structures and facilities"), Prof. of the South-West University, Kursk
S.B. Kositsyn, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.17 "Structural mechanics"), Prof., Moscow State University of Transport (MGUPS/MIIT)
E.N. Kurbatsky, the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof., MGUPS
L.S. Lyakhovich, the academician of RAASN, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.17 "Structural mechanics"), Prof., the State Architecture and Building University, Tomsk
V.L. Mondrus, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.17 "Structural mechanics"), Prof., MGSU
Yu.I. Nemchinov, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.17 "Structural mechanics"), Prof.
V.I. Obozov, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.01 "Building constructions, structures and facilities"), Prof., OJSC "NITS "STROITELSTVO"
K.P. Pyatikrestovsky, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.01 "Building constructions, structures and facilities"), Prof., OJSC "NITS "STROITELSTVO"
V.D. Rayzer, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.17 "Structural mechanics"), Prof., OJSC "NITS "STROITELSTVO", USA.
V.I. Travush, the academician of RAASN, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.17 "Structural mechanics") Prof., JSC "City Design Institute", Moscow
V.S. Fedorov, the academician of RAASN, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.01 "Building constructions, structures and facilities"), Prof., MGUPS
Thomas Bock, the foreign corr. member of RAASN, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.01 "Building constructions, structures and facilities"), Prof., Munich, Germany
V.S. Fedorov, the academician of RAASN, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.01 "Building constructions, structures and facilities"), Prof., MGUPS
Thomas Bock, the foreign corr. member of RAASN, the Doctor of Technical Sciences (05.23.01 "Building constructions, structures and facilities"), Prof., Munich, Germany